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Summer Concert


We were treated to an extraordinary evening of solos, choirs, ensembles and full orchestral pieces.  I know that there are occasions when we come to these evenings as parents with expectations that we are seeing a ‘school event’  However, from time to time we can be taken to another place due to being simply blown away!  At one point Miss Toyn turned around and asked for more audience reaction – a parent commented that she was rather mesmerised, hence the sense of wonderment.

We are blessed to have such passionate and talented teachers and I know that Miss Toyn thanked our instrumental teachers on the night but I would like to thank Miss Toyn for agreeing to be our Director of Music this time last year…her extraordinary expectations on your children mean that they simply thrive and rise to the occasion – their sense of joy was so visible.  And finally, I want to share a comment from Mr Evans, our new Bursar; he asked ‘where are the shy pupils?’.  This is indicative of your children. They have a confidence in their abilities based on the hours of practice that they put in day after day.  It was such a memorable evening and one that took me out of my busy life for a moment of genuine joy!

Tim Calvey