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Reception share their breakfast…


For a number of weeks there have been strange sightings of bears living in our meadow…so having looked at a few inspiring stories, we thought that a breakfast party might just bring them out of hiding.  Little did we know that young Goldilocks has also been frequenting the area!  Much to our amazement our plan worked and we had 4 visitors who brought a little magic to this beautiful day…

It was wonderful to watch as your children were genuinely enthralled in the moment.  Goldilocks toured the tables looking for the perfect porridge, not too hot…not too cold, not too sweet…not too salty!  Thankfully your children shared their breakfast and bears felt especially welcome…so much so that they actually fell asleep!  There were some wonderful conversations taking place and the illusion wasn’t even spoiled when a bear took a selfie…

It is experiences like this that capture and fire the imagination…

Tim Calvey