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Record breakers….!


Mr Davies woke up early one morning last year and had a moment of enlightenment…he decided that he wanted us to aim for world record using the whole school community…great idea!  However, having done his research he realised that most school records are held by huge academies, so he had to get pretty creative.  Now keep in mind that last year we mobilised the school to complete a unique run.  This year, Mr Davies decided that a more focused activity would be in order…’Stretch your Curly Wurly’ was announced and in true Orley style, we have never looked back!  562 staff and pupils entered the official enclosure, parents helpfully supported as stewards…and trust me, they were needed!  And we had independent assessors joining us (after a last minute call to Woodards Estate Agents and Waitrose!), Gary and Sam appeared looking a little uncertain about what they had been volunteered for…I suspect that it is unlikely that they will have a working day like it again!

So, the three minute countdown started and the school commenced stretching their Curly Wurly…not so easy on a hot day as Cadbury’s chocolate melted, hands got sticky and the temptation to simply eat it increased!  However, I am delighted that subject to official verification, 562 people started…and only 5 were disqualified (due to being broken!).  Thank you to the school for completing our final fundraiser for our school charity, Birmingham Children’s Hospital.  This was a wonderful way to come together after a very busy year…what next Mr Davies?!?

Tim Calvey